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introduce: 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司,成立于2011年,品牌Leiditech,是国家高新技术企业。公司研发团队由留美博士和TI原开发经理组建,凭借技术精湛的研发队伍和经验丰富的电磁兼容行业专家,主要提供防静电TVS/ESD以及相关EMC元器件(放电管TSS/GDT、稳压管ZENER、压敏电阻MOV、整流二极管RECTIFIER、自恢复保险丝PPTC、场效应管MOSFET、电感)。 Leiditech围绕EMC电磁兼容服务客户,自建免费实验室为客户测试静电ESD(30KV)、群脉冲EFT(4KV)、浪涌(8/20,10/700 10/1000)、汽车抛负载(7637 5a/5b)和元器件的性能测试等。Leiditech紧跟国内外技术更新脉搏,不断创新EMC保护方案和相关器件,目标方向为小封装,大功率,为国产化替代提供可信赖方案和元器件。 Leiditech主要服务市场是:通信安防、汽车电子、医疗电子、照明、工业产品及消费类电子市场等。 Leiditech产品符合国家相关的测试标准和要求,同时也符合IEC、FCC、UL、VDE等国际标准,并取得ROHS、REACH等系列认证。雷卯产品能够满足高规格防雷防过压防过流要求,从而提高整机使用寿命。 Leiditech以专利引导产品成果转化,以大数据参数对比国外型号满足国产化替代,创办专有技术平台(微信小程序:EMC电磁兼容社区),建立进口型号匹配的官网。 Leiditech相信应用广泛的产品、垂直整合的业务模式使我们极具竞争优势。通过在项目初始设计时期帮助客户按适用标准正向设计,帮助客户在设计和生产中省时省力省钱。 Leiditech的产品已广泛应用到世界各地,并支持世界各地LOCAL品牌。Leiditech早已在TVS/ESD业界享有盛名。直接或间接客户有美国FUTURE、霍尼韦尔、韩国LG、中国大陆有大众、比亚迪、美的、创维、哈罗单车、小米、富士康等。 Leiditech宗旨是:诚信为本,为客户之所想,急客户之所急,努力成为专业电磁兼容方案服务和元器件供应商。

上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 Supplier quotation

  • Lightning arrester LM82C251 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM82C250 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM232SA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM3232ESA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM3485PA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM3485SA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM485EPA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM485ESA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM3085EPA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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  • Lightning arrester LM3085ESA 上海雷卯电子科技有限公司 chip

    1. Ldb80 power surge protector can be installed in lpz0a-1 area or directly in the main distribution cabinet (switching box). 2. Surge protector can be fixed on 35mm electrical guide rail. The surge protector is connected in parallel on the power line "/" to connect the power phase line or the power supply is being installed, used and maintained, and the maximum discharge current (8 / 20 μ S) IMAX 80kA voltage protection level (in) up ≤ 2.5KV response Detailed parameters...

    Price: 0.00
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